Monday, August 20, 2007

Why I call it Supper Corner?

Was thinking hard what I should name this blog.
Supper was the first name came across my mind.

About 4 months back, we had the best supper together, with few more great friends.

Satay with peanut sauce, fruit juices, teh tarik (pull tea – that was what we called it), roti tisu (tissue bread), a lot of laughter and of course, camera.

That was the greatest time we spent with each other, the craziest night we had till date.

“Children, we need to go now or else all the cars will turn into pumpkins!”
If it was not our Amma’s statement, we would probably keep talking and laughing till the next morning.

The most unbelievable thing was I had my review with my boss scheduled on the next day, morning!

Dear all my great friends, I will not forget the supper time we had together.

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